It seems that nowadays, we are surrounded by reusable products that make our lives more convenient.
But have you ever stopped to consider the impact these products have on the environment?
You may feel that ditching disposable products won’t do much, but even this small action can have a huge environmental impact!
So, if you’re looking to find a way to improve your carbon footprint in the coming year, or you want to start teaching your kids about environmentalism, here are five disposable products you should consider ditching:
1. Plastic Bags
Plastic bags are notoriously bad for the environment, but anywhere between 500 billion and one trillion are used around the globe every year, most of which end up in a landfill.
And they take up to 1,000 years to decompose!
You can eliminate your use of plastic bags by switching to reusable grocery bags for your shopping.
You can also use washable produce bags to cut down on using plastic ones in the grocery store.
Reduce your plastic use in the kitchen by choosing reusable bags, reusable covers, and air-tight containers over plastic sandwich bags and plastic wrap.
2. Disposable Single-Use Razors
Disposable single-use razors are made from inexpensive steel and cheap plastic, and over two billion of them are discarded in the U.S. every year.
And unfortunately, most components of the razor cannot be reused or recycled, so they sit in landfills for years.
You can ditch disposable razors by opting for a refillable razor or electric razor.
3. Plastic Straws
You probably expected to see plastic straws on this list, so here they are!
Plastic straws are one of the most littered plastic items, meaning that they are not disposed of properly in the garbage – just strewn about the place.
This causes them to end up in waterways, where they become harmful and dangerous to fish and wildlife.
If you love using straws (who doesn’t?), you can switch to reusable straws made of metal. Many come with carrying cases so that you can take them on the go!
Luckily, many businesses are now switching to paper straws. Yes, they are inconvenient and not as easy to use as plastic straws, but they are an important step toward protecting the environment.
4. Disposable Vapes
Disposable vapes are simply vapes that are not reusable and are intended to be used only one time.
They don’t require refilling or recharging, but they can make a negative impact on the environment!
Now, one pen often equals a full pack of cigarettes, but even if you smoke a pack in two days, that’s a disposable pen every two days – over 180 disposable vapes per year!
Not only are disposable vapes ending up in landfills, but they are also prone to leaking and releasing metals, battery acid, and nicotine.
If you are a vaper, invest in a high-quality and refillable vape instead of the disposable kind.
5. Batteries
Did you know that Americans go through millions of batteries per year?
Even though disposing of batteries is safe if done properly, they are considered hazardous waste in many areas.
You can always buy rechargeable batteries – and they even save you money compared to disposable ones!
For instance, you can pay as little as $0.45 per AA battery if you buy a generic brand. A set of four rechargeable AA batteries and a charger costs around $15, and you can charge them about 500 times.
That works out to $0.05 per use! And keeps 500 batteries out of our landfills.
Live a Greener Life!
Simply by reducing the disposable products you use, you can make a difference when it comes to protecting our planet.
Check out our other articles about green living and environmentalism:
- A Greener Family: How to Start Recycling
- Green Living: Small Changes Can Make a Big Difference
- Tips for a Greener Period
How do you try to live a greener life? What disposable items have you stopped using? Let us know in the comments!