10 Ways to Become a More Confident Man Today!

Have you found your confidence taking a hit lately?

It’s not just women who look in the mirror and dissect what they see. Men can easily feel the negative effects of low confidence and low self-esteem.

If you’re looking for some easy ways to give yourself a confidence boost, here are 10 tips to become a more confident man today:

1. Get to Know Yourself

You can’t go out into the world and exude confidence if you don’t know what kind of man you are portraying. Take some time to get to know yourself – write in a journal, think about what you want for the future, and reflect on your personal strengths.

2. Sets Goals and Take Action

Confident men get what they want because they set healthy and realistic goals. Not only do they set them, but they persevere until they achieve them!

Set yourself some SMART goals – goals that are specific, measurable, actionable, relevant, and timely.

3. Develop a Positive Mindset

Confident men also think and focus on the positive. This doesn’t mean ignoring the negative aspects of life and not dealing with bad emotions – it simply means allowing positive feelings to empower while troubleshooting problems and struggles.

4. Get in Touch With Your Emotions

With buzzwords like “toxic masculinity” floating around, the world is starting to recognize that nothing good comes from forcing men to be “tough” and hide their emotions.

Feeling is a human experience and it’s okay for men to admit and display emotions such as sadness, shame, and fear. Let yourself feel them!

5. Admit That You Don’t Know Everything

A confident man can admit he doesn’t know everything and he can also admit when he is wrong. Show your confidence by saying, “I don’t know but can you explain it to me?”

But also, don’t be afraid to portray your willingness to solve a problem on your own. Confident men are also willing to learn new things.

6. Know How to Listen

When you portray confidence as a man, you are showing the world that you are insecure about the need to be heard. You are able to listen intently, ask questions, and engage in conversation.

To show your confidence, make other people feel heard and important!

7. Find the Right Tribe

Make sure you surround yourself with people who make you feel good enough! Look for friendships and relationships where you can be yourself – this will help to build your confidence and self-esteem.

8. Get in Shape

Getting in shape doesn’t have to only mean hitting the gym and making gains. Self-care is an important step in building confidence as a man – confident men have self-value and, therefore, take care of themselves.

This may involve hitting the gym, eating right, taking care of your hygiene, and even pursuing your passions and hobbies.

9. Please Yourself

No, we don’t mean in that way! Just don’t be afraid to make changes to yourself so you feel good about the man you see in the mirror.

This may mean doing something simple like trying a new hairstyle or something extreme like getting penis enlargement surgery. No judgment! It’s all about loving who you see above how other people view you.

10. Power Pose

Perhaps you’re not ready to get surgery or take major leaps with your appearance. You can always try a power pose:

Power-posing is a way to boost your confidence as well as your testosterone – it can even lower your stress hormone levels! Just stand for a minute with your feet apart and your hands on your hips, puffing your chest out.

Get Out There!

With these 10 tips to help you become a more confident man, there’s nothing stopping you! Get out in the world and live your best life.

Do you have some confident-boosting tips you’d like to share? Throw them down in the comments below:

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