Anxiety Disorders and Attacks in Teens

Teenagers are prone to feelings of anxiety in certain situations as they learn to navigate the world around them.

Lack of confidence, insecurity and peer pressure can take its toll.

But it is when feelings of overwhelming fear take hold, that they may be suffering from more than anxiety.

Stress becomes a way of life, and they struggle to stop the replay in their minds of situations that promote anxiety.

Normal anxiety then transforms into a more serious problem.

Fortunately, it is possible to treat anxiety.

Anxiety in Teens is Growing

Worry, fear, dread and anxiety are on the uptick in teenagers.

Negative feelings impact the ability to function normally, turning easy tasks into major challenges.

Being stuck on replaying negative experiences and the inability to function distinguishes acceptable stress levels from those that need expert intervention.

Anxiety disorders defy logic and cannot be resolved or treated with logical explanations.

They take many forms, including a generalized sense of dis-ease, panic, phobias, obsessive-compulsive reactions to seemingly minor events, social and separation anxiety.

Causes of Anxiety for Teenagers

Parental control on the internet can help to relieve some symptoms of anxiety, particularly when this relates to separation anxiety.

Separation anxiety may develop due to an addiction to the internet, mobile phones, and social media, for example.

Limiting access to devices and these platforms can help to alleviate some of the negative effects of social media on teenagers.

Effects from online bullying, peer pressure, the spreading of damaging rumors may be among these, which is something that parents need to be constantly aware of.

Academics can also play a large role in a teenager’s struggle with anxiety. The pressure to perform on tests and complete assignments can cause stress.

There are many free online resources you can use to help your child boost their academic confidence and help with challenging tasks.  You can look online for resources like writing essays on anxiety and other writing assignment help. Many of these online resources are extremely helpful and easily accessible. Just look for the ones that have high ratings.

Different Forms of Anxiety Disorders

Anxiety presents in a variety of forms such as generalized and excessive worry. No one thing triggers this form of anxiety, but it can be pervasive.

Teenagers worry about how they look, what friends think of them, whether their school performance is enough, their family members, weather, the state of the world and everything in between.

Social interactions cause intense anxiety, and they go to great lengths to avoid being in situations that cause extreme discomfort.

Eventually, isolation becomes a norm, causing great distress to parents.

Phobias are specific in contrast to generalized anxiety and may include unreasonable fear of insects, places, heights and many others.

Separation anxiety presents in the form of being separated from parents or fear of loved ones dying prematurely.

Obsessive-compulsive disorders result in repetitive behaviors that are debilitating, such as frequent washing of hands.

Panic disorders occur intermittently and without warning, resulting in symptoms of uncontrollable trembling, perspiration, the inability to move or struggles with breathing.

Post-traumatic stress disorder involves the repeated mental, emotional and physical experience of a stressful event. Harrowing events can be car accidents or being the victim of a crime.

Anxiety disorders range from mild to serious, but for the victims, they all have unpleasant impacts on their lives.

Anxiety Disorder Symptoms

It may take parents a while to recognize when normal anxiety has developed into a serious disorder.

Teenage anxiety is common, but symptoms can grow slowly over time, desensitizing parents to the seriousness of the problem.

But when teenagers appear to be constantly on edge or develop fears that have no basis, they could be in trouble.

A simple refusal to go to the mall because they believe this will promote a car accident, for example, may be a sign that your teenager is in trouble.

Not wanting to be left alone due to separation anxiety despite being in a safe environment, may be another indication that help is needed.

Poor sleep is another symptom of an anxiety disorder, although poor quality sleep cannot always be attributed to an anxiety disorder.

Having panic attacks that result in fearful trembling, perspiration, difficulty with breathing and constant headaches are yet other symptoms linked to anxiety disorders.

Frequently, the teenager will feel that their reactions are uncontrollable, and they are without proper treatment.

What Causes Anxiety and Panic Attacks?

Experts in the medical field may struggle to identify any one specific cause of anxiety disorders and panic attacks.

Typically, these can be caused by a variety of different catalysts. Traumatic life events may instigate the development of anxiety disorders.

Falling into a swimming pool at age three may only begin to produce symptoms in teenage years.

A harsh emotional reaction from a parent, teacher, other adult or peers can leave lasting scars on teenagers.

Many catalysts only present in later years, making causes highly problematic to pinpoint.

Hereditary behavior or family temperament may be passed down through generations, finally coming to a head in your teenager.

Biochemical factors are also thought to play a role in the development of these disorders.

Life events may be seemingly benign but can be powerful contributing factors to how teenagers respond to their environments.

The resultant anxiety is easier to pinpoint than the cause, but these disorders are treatable.

Seeking Treatment for Anxiety Disorders

If parents do not look for medical help, their teenager’s emotional, mental and physical health will suffer further.

Home life will become unbearable for everyone as family relationships bear the brunt of these disorders. The teenager’s education and social integration will decline, leading to further problems for the individual in later years.

Help is available. A combination of cognitive and behavioral and medical prescriptions may be recommended following a thorough evaluation.

Engaging in healthy activities for family will aid in normalizing the teenager’s environment, on their way to recovery.

Patience, compassion, persistence and constant family support are required on the road back to health.

The quicker parents recognize that there is a serious problem and seek expert help, the quicker the teenager can begin leading a normal life.


Anxiety disorders and panic attacks in teenagers are increasing. The symptoms of these disorders are serious and have far-reaching influences on the teenager and their families.

Professional intervention should be initiated by parents as soon as the symptoms are recognized.

Once treatment begins, your teenager will be able to regain their health and lead a semblance of a normal life, or completely recover.

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