6 Tips for Training Your New Dog

Getting a new puppy can be an exhilarating experience for you and everyone else in your house.

However, as soon as you bring your new pet home, it might be time to start the training.

Many new dog owners get confused and can’t decide how they should start or what they need to do. If you are a little confused as well, then you don’t need to worry.

There are many things that you can try if you are planning on training your new best friend yourself.

Let’s begin with the essential dog training tips that you should be familiar with:

Think About Some House Rules

While it might help you more if you decide this before you bring a new canine into the house, you can do it afterward as well.

Make a list of things that your dog can and can’t do in the house.

Is your dog allowed on the furniture? Is any part of the house off-limits, like your bathroom or the kitchen

If you’re not too sure about the things that dogs commonly love to do in a home, then you can look for some examples on the internet.

Deciding what your dog can and can’t do in advance can help you train it better.

Give Your Dog Some Personal Space

Just like you might like to have some personal space sometimes, your dog needs it too. That’s why you must give your new friend their own private den as soon as possible.

Preferably, have it ready before bringing your new buddy home.

Your dog will sometimes like to go to their private sleeping space and be left alone in the safety of their den.

This behavior can also be useful in training. If your dog remains calm and quiet in their den, then you should give a reward afterward.

Reward For the Behaviors Your Like

Many people overlook a simple training method where you barely have to do a single thing – strengthening spontaneous behavior that your dog does by itself that you like.

No matter the time, you should praise your dog and give a reward whenever it does anything that you like.

If your dog does have a few wild or troublesome moments, there is sure to be a time where your canine behaves really well.

So, how can you stop the bad behavior?

Reward the right behavior. When you reward the good things, then your dog might do more of the things that you do like.

Over time, it might help if you replace the food reward with affection and love.

Make Your Training Sessions Short

A training session should not be like going to school where you spend hours at a time every day to learn something.

For your four-legged buddy, you must arrange several short training periods throughout a day. It could be a minute long or go on several minutes.

If you are training something new, then you should practice for a few minutes and then end it on a good note. Make it fun, and it will go well.

But there are sometimes when your dog might not necessarily listen to you. For these purposes, you may need a quality ultrasonic training device for dogs that emits high pitch sounds.

Devices like this can help you discipline your new pet without needing to use any force. Since being forceful can become really bad very fast, it would be good to have this device on you.

Help Your Dog Understand Properly By Repeating Things

If your dog is not able to follow through on the instructions that you’re providing, then maybe the poor thing is not understanding you. It might not be disobedient or stubborn; the simple animal is just having some trouble.

So, you should go back to the last time it understood and followed through on your commands. Then, you should gradually build up from that place.

For instance, your dog knows how to sit and stay for five seconds, but it’s getting confused when you say 10 or 20 seconds. In that case, just go back to five seconds and take baby steps till your confused four-legged buddy gets the hang of it.

Discourage Biting and Nipping

Some dogs like to go for your hand, shirt, pants, or other belongings when they are in the mood for nibbling on things. That is not considered acceptable behavior.

For this, you should first get your dog some chew toys to nibble on instead of you. You can also try the trick with any item around the house that your dog is particularly fond of.

You can also try to pretend and yell in agony whenever your dog even comes close to biting you. Alternatively, you can use the device that lets off a high pitched sound that you read about above.

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