5 Family-Friendly Ways to Maximize Your Home’s Outdoor Space

In the spring, when the weather warms up and the snow melts, many families come out of hibernation, anxious to enjoy their home’s outdoor space.

Spring and summer are the perfect times of year to carry out a seasonal renovation

Not only is the weather perfect for doing a renovation outdoors but more contractors are available during this time of year.

Plus, with the kids out of school, you can take off for a family vacation while the work is being done!

When it comes to your backyard, you are probably looking for ways to maximize the space you have while making it enjoyable for your little ones.

Here are some family-friendly ways you can make the most out of your home’s outdoor space:

1. Perimeter Seating

If your little ones are still quite small, you’re going to want to keep an eye on them when they play outside.

By positioning your outdoor chairs around the perimeter of your yard, you can keep your children in your line of sight as well as freeing up as much space in your yard as possible.

Considering getting a modular sectional, which can be placed into corners and rearranged to fit your outdoor space.

2. Outdoor Lighting

You can install outdoor lighting to give your kiddos more time to play in the yard – no need to pack up and head inside when the sun goes down!

Install lights on your deck posts or directly on the house to create a sense of spaciousness as well as increase the safety and security of your property.

There are many outdoor lighting options you can choose for your outdoor backyard renovation!

3. Fencing

little girl with basket plays near fence

Small children know no boundaries when it comes to outside play. Instead of constantly chasing them down when they decide to take off, you can install a fence around your yard.

Not only will this keep your little ones within bounds, but it will also create a sense of privacy as well as ensure your yard is secure and safe.

While it may make your yard seem smaller, allowing your children to run free and safe will actually get you more out of your outdoor space.

4. Shade

When it comes to being outside, kids love to play hard – especially in the summertime.

Help your kids beat the heat by providing them with shady areas to cool off in. You can take advantage of nature by setting up a sitting area under a tree or set up a patio umbrella to create some shade.

Also, make sure your little ones are properly hydrated as they play out in the summer sun!

5. Play Structures

Even if you are short on space in your yard, having a play structure can provide children of any age with fun for hours.

Consider installing a swing set or even a small clubhouse. 

If play structures are just not feasible for your space, get creative and set up play areas such as sandboxes or water tables.

Any sort of play area will spark your child’s imagination and help develop their play skills!

Maximize Your Home’s Outdoor Space

Don’t wait until the summer is almost over to renovate your outside space!

Getting started in the spring, or even at the beginning of the summer, will ensure that your kids (and entire family, for that matter) will be able to enjoy the space and get the most out of these beautiful seasons.

To keep things on the down-low, many seed banks offer stealth shipping. Most seed banks will ship their weed seeds in an unlabeled box.

How do you make the most out of your home’s outdoor space? Let us know in the comments!

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