How to Store Old Photos and Preserve Precious Memories

Photos represent decades of family history. They help document growth and also relive memories. Losing them would be devastating, leaving families without memories to pass on to future generations. 

As such, the importance of safely storing old photos can’t be overemphasized. Traditionally, people have always stored them in individual polypropylene sleeves or photo albums. With the advancement of time and technology, people can today store their photos digitally. 

Storing your photos digitally gives them the advantage of prolonged life. You can also easily access them whenever the need arises depending on where you store them. 

Digitalizing Printed Photos

How you store your photos and other precious documents is crucial. It all begins by scanning the physical copies and uploading them to a storage media. There are plenty of online services, including EverPresent that makes digitizing your photos a seamless task.

Once you do, don’t’ forget to make copies. As a rule, always store your files in three copies. Each copy should be stored in at least two different storage media. A common rule is the 3-2-1 method. 

This implies having three copies stored in two separate media and one stored away from home. Ensure you only upload high-resolution photos that will produce high-quality prints when the need arises.

If you’re not storing your photos digitally, you’re probably keeping them away in a safe place at home. 

Essential Considerations When Storing Photos

When thinking of where to store your old photos, here are some important considerations to make. 

  1. Ventilation- Your photos are prone to damage if they’re stored in a place without air circulation. Mold and other damaging organic substances can compromise their quality. 
  2. Temperature– high temperatures above 75 degrees Fahrenheit interfere with your photos. They alter the combination of the chemicals used in processing the images, making them lose their color. Find a cool place when storing your photos. 
  3. Moisture– you need to avoid storing your photos in places with high humidity. Humid areas are a fertile breeding ground for mildew and mold that could destroy your photos. 
  4. Lighting– too much light makes photos fade. If you store your photos in a place where they’re not enclosed, ensure the light is not too intense on them. Even with framed photos, keep them away from direct sunlight. 

Dos and Don’ts of Storing Photos at Home

When storing your photos you want to preserve them for the longest time possible. After choosing a storage unit for the photos, place the unit above the ground and as high as it can go. Your storage unit can be a cabinet or a closet. 

Remember to choose a climate-controlled unit and completely enclose the photos, whether in frames, boxes, or containers.

Avoid storing photos in a basement, garage, or attic where humidity and temperatures fluctuate. The storage cabinet shouldn’t be near a heating or cooling vent. 

Take Away

Old family photos are one of the best ways of preserving precious memories. How you store them affects their preservation and quality. Most people store their pictures in photo albums, cabinets, and boxes. 

All these should be kept away from humidity, high temperatures, and direct sunlight. Another option is to store your photos digitally. Upload them in two or more storage media and in a high resolution that can produce desirable copies.

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