Seeing your child dealing with emotional or learning issues is difficult for any parent, and many may feel helpless no matter what they do. Sometimes, it’s difficult to notice the first signs of a child who may be having learning disabilities, and these can often appear overnight.
One of the solutions to curb learning disabilities or improve your child’s relationship with learning is working with a tutor. But is it really what your child needs right now? Let’s take a look at some of the signs that you should definitely think about hiring a tutor.
Grades are Starting to Slip
If you feel like your child could perform better in tests, or if you noticed a sudden change in their performance, the first thing you should do is speak with their teacher. Talk to them about your concerns and if they’ve noticed any changes lately. Also, check if there were any changes in the teaching approach or curriculum lately. The teacher could also pinpoint some specific issues your child might be struggling with.
For instance, if your child is gifted at math but has poor reading comprehension skills, then they might struggle with math problems that have an elaborate story. In this case, it could help to work with a tutor that will help them improve their reading skills specifically. A teacher will also be the most qualified to see if your child has been experiencing lapses in attention lately, which could either be a sign of something else or that they haven’t fully grasped a concept. Once you’ve found out what the specific issue is, you can start working on correcting it with a tutor.
They Have Time Management Issues
Time management might seem like a very adult concept, but this is something children should start integrating at an early age. It’s very easy to see if your child has bad time management habits. For instance, if they start playing games once they get home instead of working on homework, then you can see that they don’t have their priorities in order. While there can be some delays here and there, if that becomes a constant issue, even after several reminders, then this could be a sign of a bigger issue.
As a parent, you should be able to notice these issues and try to correct them as soon as possible. Reinforcing good behaviour with encouragement can be one approach. But working with a tutor could instil more discipline and structure. If you start from an early age, it will then become second nature to them, and they will become more self-disciplined adults.
But discipline shouldn’t be tyrannical, so that means working with a tutor with whom your child will actually mesh with. Sometimes, fear of disappointment can be more of a motivator than an iron fist, so find a tutor that will be able to motivate and push them in the right way.
Thankfully, online services allow you to choose from a wide variety of tutors and vet them instantly. Services like Superprof, for instance, allow you to choose from hundreds of tutors on various subjects. You’ll be able to see what kind of ratings they’ve received from other users as well as their comments.
They Seem Constantly Confused
There are times when a child will simply be confused because he’s struggling with certain concepts. If you see that your child is constantly puzzled by his homework, then it might be a sign that they don’t comprehend the subject at their expected grade level.
In these cases, it can be a challenge to know whether they’re actually struggling with the work or are simply trying to avoid it. But if you notice that they clearly are having a comprehension problem or start to get defensive when you’re trying to help, then it could be a sign that you need a tutor.
They Lack Confidence
It can take only one bad experience to ruin your child’s confidence. It’s perfectly normal for children to struggle at times at school, but berating a child and making them feel like they’re not smart enough could be disastrous. And you might not be the reason behind their poor confidence either. Sometimes, bad teachers may be the ones destroying your child’s confidence.
If you notice that your child is becoming sad out of the blue and their scores are going south, then ask them what’s going on. Especially if it’s at the start of a school year. Ask them how they feel about their teachers or their new classmates. Sometimes the issue might be deeper. Go to parent-teacher meetings and try to see if they have a positive dynamic.
If you don’t notice anything wrong there, then it might be something else. Sometimes, constantly failing to understand certain subjects can be difficult for a child. But working with a tutor that will take the time to work with them until they get it right might work wonders for their confidence.
You Don’t Have the Time to Help
In some cases, work obligations make it difficult for parents to supervise their children and give them the support and supervision they need. Some children might be disciplined enough to do their work on their own, but some will just become unfocused if they don’t have the proper structure. Also, at a certain point, their increasing workload might require too much time and attention to properly fit in your schedule. Or in some cases, the subjects are just out of your scope or too distant for you to help.
In these cases, hiring a tutor might be a great option. A tutor will be able to organise a schedule that will work with both you and your child. This will help alleviate your workload and make sure that they are guided properly.
Your Child is Suffering from Learning Disabilities
The terms ADD and ADHD are thrown about willy-nilly these days, but it is a real condition, and if you feel your child might be suffering from it, or any other disability, then you should look for help.
If you find out that your child is indeed suffering from a learning disability, a tutor may be helpful. A tutor will be able to teach children dealing with issues like visual processing difficulties or dyslexia, for instance. They will provide them with a more nurturing and more comprehensive learning environment.
Children suffering from learning disabilities often have difficulty dealing with a traditional classroom, and there are tutors that are specialised with children that have issues. They will be able to give them the time, attention, and encouragement needed for them to improve their studying habits and master subjects. They’ll be able to present subjects in a way that is more digestible and enjoyable for your child, which could change their whole relationship with education as a whole.
If you notice any of these signs, then it might be a clear sign that your child could benefit from working with a qualified tutor. We strongly suggest that you start looking at a few tutors in your area if that is the case, so you can find one that will have a genuine connection with and dedication to your child’s success.