5 Ways New Dads Can Get More Involved With The Baby

Being a New Dad is hard. Everything revolves around the new baby and mommy, especially in the early days. It can lead some dads feeling useless or even worse, marginalized. However, there are effective ways for any new dad to get involved, help out more and provide a welcome break for mom.

It’s important to remember that your role as a new daddy is still very important and the more you get involved the easier it will be for everyone.Try to see your role as a fun one. Things get much harder when you deal with the signs of terrible twos and trying to figure out how to discipline a toddler.

Below are some tips we’d like to share with all our new dads out there. We hope you find them useful.

1. Take the Night Shift

One of the most useful things you can do is to forfeit some sleep. Newborns take up an incredible amount of mom’s time and energy. Usually, by the end of the day, she will be noticeably fatigued, worn out and in need of a well-earned rest.

Try to accommodate her by being as available as possible at night. The “Graveyard shift” (12 am – 4 am) is usually the hardest to do, but if you can find the energy to take over once ion a while, it won’t go unnoticed.

Remember, feelings can run high with a lack of sleep. By giving mom more time to sleep you will be worth your weight in gold!

2. Diaper Duty

Another effective way for daddy to feel useful is to do get more involved with diaper duties. Although this isn’t always a fun job, it still needs to be done. It’s also not surprising that most new daddies shy away from it.

Try to see it as extra bonding time for you and your new baby. Singing a nursery rhyme or a lullaby is the perfect thing to do while you take care of “business”.

Remember, your role is to alleviate as much pressure from mummy as possible. Every little thing you can do will count.

Changing diapers doesn’t have to be a struggle and the more you do it, the better you’ll get at it.

3. Get a Baby Carrier

A smart way to juggle duties is to get a baby carrier. This will help you get things done around the house and at the same time bond with your new baby (who said men can’t multitask!)

Remember to ensure that the baby carrier is correct for your baby’s age and that you have all the straps and harness correctly in place.

As you use it more often you’ll soon find that your new baby will get used to it as well. This means you’ll be able to get even more done around the house, bond more with the new baby and give mama even more time off! (win-win-win)

4. Baby Massage

The best part about being a new dad is getting to do fun activities. Massaging your new baby is a relaxing activity that has rewarding effects for you and your new baby.

Newborns are stimulated enormously by touch and massaging baby stimulates the central nervous system, which triggers serotonin (the feel-good hormone)

Consequently, you will be helping the baby’s mind to develop and encourage them to reach developmental milestones faster.

5. Bath time Fun

Bathing your newborn can be one of the most enjoyable things you do. It’s so beautiful to watch them kick, splash and play in the water. It’s a very rewarding task for you to do and the best part is you’ll still be helping out immensely.

Remember, bath time isn’t all about fun and you do need to prepare for it too.
For example remember to prepare clean clothes, a diaper, and some lotion ready for when your baby comes out.

Top Tip – Ensure the changing room is sufficiently heated to avoid any unnecessary colds or illnesses.

Try to be proactive and offer to bathe baby routinely so mummy can plan around it. She may not always tell you, but these are the small things that help you, baby and mommy, to become more stress-free.

A Strong bond will help as your baby gets older and needs a more robust discipline framework.

Remember, getting more involved with your new baby shouldn’t be a chore. It can be the most rewarding time in your life to bond with your new baby. Never be scared to ask for help and practice really does make perfect.

For more great parenting tips, check out the other blogs on Cyber Parent.

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