I worked in the corporate world for 15 years. I am now home with a two-year-old daughter, shaping her future, and running our home. And I do mean running our home, from top to bottom.
Raising a child is serious business and demands everything a serious job does. And more, in my opinion. Running a home is the same as running a business. It requires the same general skills. I’m a CEO, and that’s a fact.
When I re-enter the outside job market, I will have added onto my resume my current job, and no, I’m not kidding. I have full confidence and look forward to discussing it at an interview.
The tone of what I just read in Women Need to Work puts a ridiculous glorification of “work away from home” as if everyone has a wonderful job and is doing something great or important. The fact is, most people have mundane careers and very few have careers that are important or remarkable. Most are viewed as dispensable by their employers.
Many people who would say they have “this or that” career are people who aren’t particularly talented or hard working. You’ve given in to the politically correct: a woman is only worthwhile or happy if she has a “career”. As if you have to go to a building to have a career!
Which is not to say all mothers/homemakers are remarkable or doing important things either. Most are not doing a remarkable job. I will say dare to say, though, that raising a child is more important than almost any job or career.
My two-year-old daughter is far more intelligent, polite, creative, interesting, verbal, and happy than most children her age. This is because her mother is putting 100% into her development in all respects. I challenge anyone who thinks my work is unfulfilling or unchallenging to me.
My home is a very well-run business. It’s amazing that we do so well on one paycheck, but it’s because I’ve made it my business. Period. I derive tremendous satisfaction from these challenges.
To declare women who work outside the home better off is ridiculous. How many careers are really interesting?
Most people have to convince themselves that they are on to something special or important when in fact they’re just ordinary people with ordinary jobs who need to make a buck. Only they call them careers because that’s what is expected these days. They are inflating their own situation to convince themselves that they are doing something important.
Work is work. Challenge is challenge. Ambition is ambition. No matter where you find it.
Isn’t that the point of the women’s movement if you take it up to date?
Interrupting career to raise children and manage (hopefully improve, too) households is as strong a career as any.
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