How to Start a Parenting Blog: Blogging for Stay at Home Moms

In no time, you could be the webmaster of your very own parenting site!

Blogging has taken the world by storm and no matter how many parenting blogs pop up on the internet, their popularity has not wavered.

If you are interested in starting your own parenting blog, there are only a few easy steps to follow. In no time, you could be the webmaster of your very own parenting site!

1. Find Your Niche

A blog’s niche is the topic or category of the blog – it helps to focus the blog on one and audience. In order to attract traffic to your site, you want to create content that appeals to a particular group of people by addressing specific challenges and offering relevant solutions.

To figure out your blog’s niche, think about your passions as well as the knowledge you have. What kind of information can you impart onto readers to help them solve their problems? What topics are you excited to write about?

While your blog’s niche doesn’t have to be super specific, like focusing only on cloth diapering or breastfeeding, you want to make sure your posts relate to each other or to a larger challenge in some way.

2. Choose Your Blog’s Name

Once you figure out what your blog is going to be about, you have to choose a name. Make sure your blog’s name is unique and makes sense in relation to your content.

You can use blog name generators to help you determine a name or research related words and synonyms. For example, instead of using the term “children”, you can use the word “kiddos” instead.

Think about your blog’s tone – is your writing style humorous? Calming? Professional? Try to incorporate the feel of your blog into the title.

Lastly, be sure that your blog’s name is easy to pronounce and remember.

Once you figure out your blog’s name, do a domain search to check for availability as a site URL.

3. Hosting

You have your niche and your title, now you have to figure out where to put your blog.

If you are interested in free hosting, check out sites such as Wix and SimpleSite. Just be aware that your blog URL/web address is going to include the company’s name.

Otherwise, if you are willing to pay for a unique domain and hosting, you can check out Bluehost or HostGator. With these services, you will have your own web address but you have to pay for that separately from hosting.

With hosted web services, you have to install a blogging platform such as WordPress in order to create and display your content.

4. Design and Layout

You want the look of your blog to match the tone and feel of your content. It should also be easy on the eyes, simple to navigate and responsive to smaller screens such as tablets and smartphones.

You can purchase customizable templates in order to have your site look exactly how you want and to stand out from other bloggers. However, there are plenty of beautiful free templates you can download.

By learning basic coding, such as CSS (cascading style sheets), you can customize a free theme to suit your blog’s needs.

5. Content

Now that you have the bones of your blog all set up, it’s time to add the meat. Crafting readable content is more than simply letting your thoughts flow into a blog post.

When you write a blog post, be sure to use short paragraphs – this makes it easier for readers to scan your content. Also use images, headers and bullet points to break up the content so it is not one large chunk of text.

Try to combine personal experience with proven information by researching your topic. Link to cited information – this helps to build trust with your reader.

Also make your content shareable and easy to share on social media.

Starting a Blog is Easy

In just a few short steps, you can be on your way to creating and sharing a parenting blog with the rest of the world!

Already have a blog? Let us know how you got started in the comments below!

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